
Some Changes Have Been Made To The Web Domain, Now We Are Cigarsoutlet.Shop Habanosoutlet.Com This Update Is Due To The Inclusion Of Non-Cuban Brands In Our Catalog. All Customers Will Be Able To Make Their Purchases Normally.

Terms and conditions of use


Once the client accomplished the order form on this site and verified the order, this will lead to the full acceptance of the terms and conditions applicable to the agreed contract.


The website always contains commercial offering in order to advertise particular products. However, this shall not be interpreted as a permanent and legally binding offer. A contract is considered terminated once the order has been verified by Cigarsoutlet.Shop

When payments have been verified in agreement with Article 3 of these terms and conditions page, the order is acknowledged by our business website.

Order acceptance usually takes 72 hours or three working days after the orders have been received. 


3.1 Obligations

We undertake all measured after the acceptance of orders by Cigarsoutlet.Shop, which means agreeing to selling and delivering the products to the address specified by the clients. In relation, we have the right to place the products with the choice of carrier not later than 10 days as mentioned above. This does not include weekends as well as public holidays. In case that the products are available for shipping earlier than the stipulated date, we will advise clients through phone or email.

3.2 Customer Obligations 

Clients are required to clearly indicate all the relevant information such as the address where the product shall be delivered. Clients are to settle all the expenses such as the price of the product and all expenses related to transport and delivery. They are also bound to pay additional fees that may be charged by customs as well as taxes implemented by the country where the products are imported. It must be noted that all the products bought at Cigarsoutlet.Shop are not for resale and should serve for personal use alone.

3.3 General Obligations:

We do not sell our products to any person under age 21.


4.1 Invoices and Price

The price reflected by Cigarsoutlet.Shop upon processing your order is definitive. The total price shown on the site includes the price of the items, shipping, handling and packaging costs. It will be reflected in US dollars and any fees stated in a different currency is only for the sole purpose of estimation.

4.2 Transports and Delivery Schedule

The orders will be delivered to the address provided within 15 to 20 days. The time frame of delivery given by Cigarsoutlet.Shop depends on the country where the products are to be delivered.

In instances where delivery is made with nobody at the given address to accept the item, a note will be left by the carrier indicating unsuccessful delivery. In such cases, the customer should go to the location indicated by the carrier so that the order will be recovered.

Cigarsoutlet.Shop will not be held responsible to any kind of deterioration in the items ordered resulting to the clients’ failure to recover the package on time.

The shipping time frame is considered as the time we ship the items from the warehouse to its appropriate destination. Please be aware that we are not liable for additional time in Customs and other offices.

4.3 Risks in Transfer

Cigarsoutlet.Shop is responsible for the delivery of the product to the customer ( 100% GUARANTEED ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD )

4.4 Receipt Qualifications/ Returns/ Exchange and Reimbursement

- If the client is not satisfied with the product once received, we need the client to contact us within the next 7 days after receiving the cigars (Only Applies to Cigar Boxes Delivered Open or Sealed).  At least 95% of the product must be returned in good conditions back to our warehouse. We will proceed either with a reship of another cigar box or if preferred by the client with a refund. If the package is returned to our warehouse, the re-shipment fee is 30 USD per cigar box ordered and must be paid in advance of reshipment.

- We do not accept returns due to color, flavor or tobacco construction. The tobacco is verified according to its seals of authenticity and bands. If the client has accepted the shipment of vacuum-packed cigars, returns are not accepted (all delivery and packaging policies are approved. previously by the client)

- If the customer is not satisfied with the product once received, we need you to contact us within the next 3 days after receiving the cigarettes. At least 100% of the product must be returned in good condition to our warehouse.

- We will continue with the forwarding of another box of cigarettes or if the client prefers it with a refund, only 40% of the paid order will be refunded. If the package is returned to our warehouse, the reshipment fee is USD 35 per requested cigar box and must be paid before reshipment.

Due to our low prices we are outlet, for this reason all the expenses generated to return the products must be paid solely and exclusively by the customer.

4.5 Guarantee

Cigarsoutlet.Shop assures that our items are authentic and they have passed all the necessary measures to make sure they matches the details that are provided in the website on the time the order was processed. We guarantee our products have exceptional freshness and quality. This is the only warranty and assurance that we have and no other will be given whether implied or expressed.

4.6 Conditions and Liabilities

The clients are personally liable for their choice of items. They should also be responsible for the storage and conservation of products post delivery. Moreover, we will not be held liable for not complying with the regulations and laws in the area where the items are shipped. At certain events, we are only held responsible for the following:  1) direct damage to clients and 2) the price of the item irrespective of our liability that may be calculated.

All the materials in this site are guarded by the International Copyright law and is not allowed to host and reprint its contents without permission. We do no dot sell our cigar products to those under 21 years old. We require proof of age before shipping orders.